Sunday, February 27, 2011

When I see a tattoo..

So I've seen a few people with a tattoo regarding strength. I mean "no room for weakness," "only the strong survive," (I've seen that one about FIVE times) "no toleration for the weak," etc. etc. Now this got me thinking, what kind of message are these people are trying to send out to the world? What I think is "Hey everybody look at me, I'm strong and have no weaknesses." Kinda makes you think, what would people say? When it comes down to it, nobody would like them, but we really don't know what kind of message they're trying to send. Who knows, maybe they're trying to send a "guys, don't worry, I'm strong, I got your back."

However, when it comes down to it for me, I think that these tattoos are taking the whole idea completely out of perspective. Strength is no longer about survival, survival was a thing of the past, I'm talking hunter-gatherer civilization here. Its now all about living now. I think that tattoos like this should say "strength is only for the good Samaritan." The message I'm trying to send with this is "the strong are here to help and save the weak." However when you read it, the two messages are probably interchangeable.

Now I don't know if I'm writing about this because I've been helping people for half my life, but I know that this should be a universal way of thinking. I mean it is not that hard to help people, and it sure as hell looks better than only helping yourself. Not to mention it feels much better and really helps you sleep at night.

Now back to tattoos, if you want to send a tough message, there are a few suggestions I can give you. First off, you get a tattoo where you can show people that says "you are talking to me; what do you do?" Secondly  you get a tattoo right above your genitals that say "you have flirted with me." And right on/around your genitals, you get a tattoo of a bear with a caption that reads "your flirtation has attracted bears!" At this point you release the bears from your closet and run like hell.

It's all about MIND GAMES

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some of the BEST conversations I have ever had :)

Through the seventeen, almost eighteen years of my life, I have talked ALOT, with a wide variety of people, from my family, to my closest friends, to a set of wonderful German sisters, all the way from Germany. Now I have said many words in my time. In fact, I think I dare say that I love talking with people. It is probably one of my favorite things to do, right under eating a nice, delicious PB & J sammich and lifting/throwing heavy things. In the timeline of my ornithological-esqu freedom in speech, here are some of my favorite conversations I have every had.
- On playing Chromehounds
Bro: Are there any honkies at the base?
Me: Negatorium
Bro: Sweeto
Both: lol
-Still on playing Chromehounds
Bro: Somebodies beatin the crap outta the base!
Me: Get back to base!... NEEEOOOWW!!

                                                         -On making food
Broette: You want to make a pizza?
Me: Yea for sure, but if I do, you have to make me a sammich
Broette: What kind?
Me: Peamat Blabber and Jemmy
Broette: What?
Me: You heard me

-On size and comparison of one's self
Cute Girl: I wish I was big and strong like you...
Me: No you don't.
Cute Girl: Why not?
Me: Because you're a girl, that would be horrifying.

                                                    -On taking a ride from a friend
Bro: I can drive, bro
Me: Na man, it's cool, I'll drive
Bro: Come on man, my cars the cool kid car!
Me: Your car scares me! Let alone your driving!
Bro: Dude my car is fine, whats wrong with it!?
Me: I dont know its just, I really wanna drive!
Bro: I have candy in the trunk! ;)
Me: Oh aight sounds legit.
-On talking about what I do
Broette: You actually read the license agreement?
Me: I read about astrophysics and philosophy for fun
       of course I read through it once.

Well that is only a very short list of epic conversations I have had in the past few months/ years. I would have to go through the entire library of epicness that is my memory to find some more gold, but I believe it is in the worlds best interest that I do. So anyway, I leave you with this short list of my epic convos, and I hope you can put them to good use for many, many lulz!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

This thing I want to build

So I want to build this thing yeah? Basically, I got the idea when I was watching Mythbusters, the one where they are trying to make the water heater blow up through a two story house. When I saw them make the frame, I decided it would be a good idea to make one of those as well. Now I know that its gonna be really hard and all, but I'm determined to get it finished at some point in life. I don't want to do this because I want a place to live, I don't want to do this because I want an epic fort, and I don't want to do this to make a place for my epic battle-station, but I want to do this as a combination of all three. A battle-station house fort. Yes, I know it sounds epic, but first, let me go over the details of the epic plan. Now first, There's only going to be one entrance on the whole thing, which is going to be on the bottom story. The bottom story will be slightly larger than the upper story for structural support, and so I can also put a balcony on the upper story. Anyway, the bottom story will be 15 X 20 ft. and will include a small kitchen made of camping stoves and such, and an entrance room to cover ip the mine shaft. Oh P.S. there is a mine shaft that will go down to bedrock for additional awesomeness. Now anyway, back to the house. I wont have an elevator per say, but maybe a dumbwaiter, about 3 X 3 ft. jutting out to the side of the house for people incapable of climbing ladders, which will be the main way to get to the top story. The ladder section will be about the same size as the dumb waiter corridor, adjusted only for ladder sizes.

Now onto the second story. The second story is where all the action is gonna be. I'll start off with sizes. The second story is gonna be a 15 X 15 ft. room complete with minor water piping and electricity. The deck outside, which will be over the jutted out portion of the first story will be the deck, which will have a flooring of metal and/or concrete (the part of the house it is sitting on will be re-enforced appropriately). This is for the fires that will be had on said porch. Also, the house will not be in danger of going up in flame, because the wall that is facing it will be completely made out of glass. Now for the interior. The interior is the prize jewel of the entire house. Since the upper story will have electricity, I'll put a mini heater and a mini AC unit somewhere in there, within reason. The inside will also include two couches of epic proportions and chairs/ beanbag chairs of the comfiest. They will all be facing a 48" HDTV complete with anything anybody could ever desire (Xbox 360, DirecTV and BluRay player for me, not to mention the Gamecube, NES and all the nostalgic things). The upstairs will also have its own mini-fridge and microwave, because what else does a man need? Some other small things I am considering for the place is Wi-Fi, a public computer, maybe a server, as a just in case, and a telephone line.

This small house will be the ultimate man cave. It will be insulated, heated, cooled, stocked with food and drink, possibly secluded, and have the ultimate surrounding are, complete with a fire pit, lawn chairs, etc., etc. Its not going to be meant for parties so much as just kickin back, because we all have to every once in a while. So please, if you have any ideas or suggestions, such as lighting suggestions or ideas for sizes or additions or what-not, please let me know.

I know what your thinking

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So a strange man leaves a small baby on a monastary doorstep in the middle of the night and leaves before she is found. The nuns know not what to do with the child, so they name her Jane. Jane grows up and one day meets a drifter in a small town, and they fall in love, and Jane is impregnated. Well they fight, and the drifter leaves. Nine months later, Jane gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, but she is bleeding and about to die, so they have to do an emergency operation to change Jane to Jim. Well in the middle of that night, a strange man breaks in and steals the baby away from the hospital. Well Jim grows up and becomes a bar room drunk. One night, after being beaten in a fight, Jim is lying on the floor when an old man walks up and says to Jim that he is a time traveler, so Jim decides to go back in time to change his life for the better. While traveling back in time, he meets a beautiful young woman, and they fall in love. But it was not meant to be. They fight, they quarrel, and split. Nine months later, the young woman gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, and Jim decides he wants the best for her, so he breaks into th hospital, and steals the baby away. He travels far back in time, and leaves the baby on a monastary doorstep, to be raised by the nuns. Well Jim now decides to join the Time Travelers Corps. After many years and heroic tales, Jim is old and grey. So he decides to travel back in time, and meets a bar room drunk, and divulges his secret of time travel.His secret, being an old Time Traveler. So the two men travel through time, and the man he found in the bar falls in love with a young woman. The two travel nine months into the future to steal the young mans love child from the hospital, and travel many years into the past to leave the child on a doorstep of a monastary. 

Now let me ask you... Who is Jane? Who is Jim? Who is the shady man? Who is the Time Traveler?

My face when I read this

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What I like about the future

So I recently was going through some old school things, and I came across my old notebook from astronomy. Now let me tell you, this might have been one of the single most interesting classes I have ever taken. What I liked most about it, was my teacher got into talking about wormholes, black-holes, what have you. But this would often lead on to talking about the potential for inter-galactic space travel by unconventional means of travel, such as bending space-time to fit any persons specifications. What I found most interesting about this, was the technology is already readily available, just waiting to be harnessed. In saying this, I mean scientists in German I think it was were able to instantly teleport a certain photon with a certain characteristic across some distance. I don't know the specifics of it, but it is very, very exciting, because with this technology, within the next hundred years, they think they will be able to move a whole molecule, possibly even a small organism. The only setback, that in order to teleport a living being, it has to die, and then make a copy of itself. I dont know the physics behind all of it, but it is pretty well explained in this video, Michio Kaku's explanation of the physics of the impossible. (It's a bit long, but worth the watch)
What I think is most interesting is that it would technically be possible to do all of this regardless of the immense amount of power it would take. My teacher ended the semester talking about dark matter and dark energy. Our known universe is comprised of 4% atoms and energy, 23% dark matter, and 73% dark energy. This dark energy makes it possible to do the seemingly impossible in the midst of dark matter, due to the way the two things are attracted to each other. In saying this, I should point out that dark energy has the properties of matter, yet are intangible. It is all very strange and mysterious to us still, but may one day be a possibility to understand, and maybe even harness.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Optimism?

Recently, I had a man at my school come up to me and ask why I am always so optimistic. I have been asked this question many times by a variety of people. To answer them truthfully, I have no idea whatsoever. It bugs people when I tell them this. I know why too, because I've been in their position. That dark place in life that many of us encounter where life just sucks. Nothing goes right. It seems like the whole world is out to take you down, and will stop at nothing until it does. So for all you people who are wondering to yourselves, "Why does life suck?" I will tell you why it does not.

First off, if you think life sucks, stop telling yourself that, cause there is always something out there that doesn't. Take this for an example. I have a cat. I am a cat-man. Not so much obsessed, but I do love cats. And for the fact of that matter, dogs. I love dogs too. The wonderful thing about pets, is that they will never stop loving you and caring about you for as long as the both of you live. Think about it, you have a long, hard day doing whatever it is you do, and you come home. If you have a pet, who is the first person you see when you get there? Thats right, you see lil' Mr. Snugglepoo giving you that dumb but happy little smile telling you hes glad your home. How about that time you couldn't sleep? Say you just broke up with you gf/bf, and you've spent the whole night bawling your eyes out, or coping in some other manner (guys, I'm lookin at you) and the only person to really still care that your there, is your Ms. Squishy, that little white furball rubbing up against your face in the middle of the night. What I'm trying to say is, there is always somebody or something that really does care about you, so cherish that thought, and always remember it.

Secondly, if for some reason your getting yourself down cause of something that happened, chances are, you're  never going to want to forget about it. It is in human nature to hold onto the things that hurt you, and by God, no matter who you are, you'll hold on tight. But there is only one thing you can do. Don't repress it, just forget about it. People, you will say to yourself that it is not that simple. FALSE: It is that simple. It is so simple, there has been speculation that even goldfish do it every three seconds (YES I saw that episode of Mythbusters, thats instinct though, not memory). Every problem is worth forgetting. From the smallest to the biggest problems, just forget about them, and the weight of the world will be lifted from your shoulders. It feels good man.

Okay maybe there are some problems you have to deal with.
Finally, what I find really helps me feel good is a nice physically or mentally intensive hobby. I work out. Almost every day. (protip: Working out releases the chemical dopamine into your brain. If you do it right, working out can feel like sex and drugs.) It feels really good to know that you're getting into shape, getting stronger, whatever your goal is. But there is so much more one can do for themselves than workout. Take, for instance, my other hobby. I don't know how much I can call it a hobby, as I have not done it in a while, but metal crafting. Blacksmithing. Shaping. Welding. Making a metal bar into something completely different. It's crazy I know. But it really is a good emotional outlet. I mean, what more could an angry person want to do than hit metal with a hammer? But anyway, there are so many ways to outlet your emotions, it doesn't even have to involve physical intensity. I've even studied random things in the past, because they were so distracting. But whatever it is, make sure its healthy, and you enjoy it!

Well thats all that came to mind really. I bet there are many more things I could say about the subject, but I just cant think of anything. Well I'll try to think of something for tomorrow, but in the meantime, good luck with whatever venture you are currently procrastinating on!